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Google Analytics Annotations Amplified

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Simplifying and Automating
Tracking of Actions and Events

Optimize your data analytics with automated annotations to enhance your marketing ROI

See why hundreds of companies choose GAannotations

Marketing Attribution

Finally, uncover all the causes of a visitor's touchpoints or performing a selected event on your site.
GAannotations provides a complete understanding of your full customer life cycle, from the reason of the first touchpoint to acquisition and retention, by bringing together data across performance and actions.

GAannotations API
Remarketing Campaign
Annotations API
Best Lead Generation analytics
Data Studio Export.png

Find clarity when you need it most.

Empower team members to discover insights hidden in your Google Data Studio reports, Google Analytics, and Microsoft Power BI.


Add new Annotations Automatically for every new Ads Campaign you create, a Newsletter you Send, a New Version Release, and much more.

More than 4,000 apps are available.

GA annotations notes
Data Sources
Remarketing Campaign
Annotations API
Best Lead Generation analytics
Data Sources annotations

The Holidays, Google Algorithm Updates, a New Press Release, Black Friday, Website Blackouts... all of these things can affect your website traffic. Add them as automated annotations sources to get a better understanding of how they affect your business.

Notifications Alerts

Activate Notifications to receive alerts for holidays and retail marketing dates to make a better marketing plan. No need to worry if your site is online or not; you'll receive an SMS immediately after the system discovers an alert.

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Google analytics automation GAannotations

Understand your data, better and faster

How do you remember all the campaigns and improvements you made that affected ROI?


When something is occurring, the chronology is clear: it's happening now. But "Now" fades with the passing days, weeks, and months. How can you begin to measure the impact of any event on a website or mobile behavior if you can't remember when it happened? 🧐 

It's time to add the missing pieces to the puzzle! If there is one piece of data you want to see at a glance every time you log in to your analytics, are essential annotations.

Remarketing Campaign
Best Lead Generation analytics
Annotations API
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